Our Out of School Time (OST) is designed to meet the needs of working families of youth in grades K-12. All program sites are staffed with highly qualified and trained program staff and are licensed through the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Division of Child Development. Programing is designed to complement rather than duplicate the school day by giving youth the opportunity to explore and build on individual interests and skills. Students can relax and unwind, join a special interest club, play sports and games, and socialize with peers and adults. Our programing goals are as follows:
- To assist youth in meeting state standards for core academic subjects by providing students with academic enrichment opportunities after school and during summer recess.
- To offer youth participants a broad array of other services and programs, such as art, music, recreation activities, character education, career and technical training, drug and violence prevention programming, and technology education.
- To provide educational services for families of participating students, such as literacy instruction, computer training and/or cultural enrichment.
To mobilize school, community, and private sector social and health services support and resources in order to remove barriers that impede students’ learning.
Currently, we offer programing in the following School District Schools and Community Program Site
- Childs Elementary School (K-5th grades)
- D. Newlin Fell Elementary School (K-8th grade)
- George Sharswood Elementary School (K-8th grades)
- Edward Steel Elementary School (K-8th grades)
- Vare Washington School (K-8th grades)
- Maime Nichols Center (9th -12th grades)
- The U School (9th -12th)
Our OST programs do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and ethnic background. Youth of all backgrounds and abilities are encouraged to enroll. Enrollment is open to youth with special needs and/or disabilities where reasonable accommodation program modifications are required. The youth must be self-sufficient and able to function in a group setting. Parents should notify program supervisors of any known medical conditions prior to enrollment. For more information about our OST program please contact Nicole Morgan at [email protected]
Nita Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC)
Operating out of the Horace Furness High School, our 21CCLC Program provides after school program enrichment activities for youth in grades 9th -12th. Our program goals are as follows:
- Provide opportunities during non-school hours for academic enrichment, including providing tutorial services to help students to meet the challenging State academic standards.
- Offer students a broad array of additional services, programs and activities during non-school hours such as youth development activities, drug and violence prevention programs, arts, music, physical fitness and wellness programs, and career and technical programs.
- Offer families of 21CCLC program students opportunities for active and meaningful engagement in their children’s education, including opportunities for literacy and related educational development.
The 21CCLC program does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and ethnic background. Youth of all backgrounds and abilities are encouraged to enroll. Enrollment is open to youth with special needs and/or disabilities where reasonable accommodation program modifications are required. The youth must be self-sufficient and able to function in a group setting. Parents should notify program supervisors of any known medical conditions prior to enrollment. For more information about our 21CCLC program please contact Nicole Morgan at [email protected]